why do you keep running from yourself? why do you continue to run from the same head that will remain on your shoulders?
what are you hoping to fix? what are you hoping to satiate by chasing the impossible?
i know that others speak within your head, that you spend your time trying to communitcate with nothing more than the blink of your eyes,
i'm not stupid, so stop lying to me.
i know how alone you feel and thats why i'm here but you won't listen to me.
you never listen to me. why won't you listen to me? i know whats good for you, but you'd rather wallow in your own despair. you're asleep right now, stop trying to run from me. why do you continue to ask who i am? if i tell you, it'll leave you in shambles.
i'm being a hypocrite.

you're aware, arent you?
thats why you continue to stare at me blankly with that pain that i know all too well.
i'm you.
i'm everything about you, personified into three eyes with five wings.
wake up
just wake up, you'll understand eventually.
but before you leave
(i want you toloveme