welcome home

welcome to my website...

hi! welcome to my corner of the web. keep in mind i am still learning so there may be broken links, images, text, etc. i made this page as an escape from social media & to try my hand at coding :-) how did you stumble across my site? i'm sure it'll remain a mystery; but since you're here, why not have a look around? i'm sure you'll run into some friends who would be glad to see you.
my carrd / my tumblr / biscuits blog / my blog
sign the guestbook ??? clover's writings pokefarm (please help!

about the webmaster

my name is ben.. i'm just some guy :-) theres nothing too interesting about me, but i love tech & animals. nice to meet you! this website is just a small passion project composed of things i enjoy, blogging, writing, and general art projects that take the form of websites. i take this space to talk about issues that i face given that i am different from a lot of people aswell, i hope my website is able to bring others as much comfort as it brings me. i add something new everyday, so keep checking back, okay? site updates march 21: created homepage + began working on biscuits section!
march 22: working on clovers section + my blog. added newest project to links
march 23: fixed broken links, added my blog, added clovers section + finished biscuit's section. updated index.
to do: fix colors on clovers site, update gateway page, created link button + find a webring to join, add custom cursor. make list of projects